The Spider with No NoseLocal author, Julia Green, has written and published her first children’s story that has proven to be an outstanding success with little children. Her first book titled “The Spider With No Nose” is an imaginative story about a little spider who thought he needed to have a nose – just like everyone else has a nose.

The story about this little spider will captivate the minds of little children who feel insecure at times because they may perceive of themselves as being “different.”

Julia has a special God-given talent of being able to write and illustrate with oodles of imagination. Julia’s use of bright colours lets the characters jump off the page with animated liveliness. Children love to sit and absorb each page before turning to the next – such is the captivating essence that is held within the pages of this book.

Where does Julia get her inspiration from to write and draw children’s books so beautifully? When asked this question, her answer is always the same; “God gives me the inspiration,” and with that, she’ll show me another illustration from her scrap book, that to her is proof that what she does is far beyond her natural abilities.

It was a pleasure to work with Julia to see her stories and pictures come together in this little booklet –  and I’m sure that there will be many more delightful stories to follow.